Welcome to our blog Fantastic First Grade Families! We hope you enjoy reading about what we're up to in Room 21. Make sure you check back often, we're always learning new and exciting things in First Grade!

Don't forget to check out Scholastic! Our Class Activation Code is L9K9F.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Measuring Around The Room!

Today we are working with a partner to measure various things around the room using connecting cubes. Connecting cubes are a nonstandard unit of measurement.

Monday, March 18, 2013

We're Almost There!

Happy Monday Fantastic First Grade Families!

I hope everyone enjoyed their St. Patrick's Day weekend, even though it was rainy and cold. I don't know about you, but I'm definitely ready for some SPRING weather! :)

I can't believe it is already the last week before Spring Break! Where has March gone?!

Spelling will look a little different this week. Like I told the First Graders - we are "hitting the pause button" on Words Their Way for this week and shifting back to our "old" Spelling. I don't want to make anyone wait until AFTER Spring Break to take their test, so each First Grader received their list TODAY and will test on FRIDAY. This week we ALL will be practicing QUESTION WORDS! These are important words we use often in our writing so it is important we can spell them. Please practice at home with your child for our WHOLE CLASS test on FRIDAY.

Writer's Workshop continues to be a favorite time for many First Graders. The freedom to write about what YOU want, at YOUR pace, is an awesome thing for First Graders. The stories they are writing are incredible! We are currently working on adding ADJECTIVES to our sentences to make them better. For example: We can make, "I have a dog." a BETTER SENTENCE by adding an adjective such as large, fluffy, gigantic, tiny, etc. We know that an ADJECTIVE is a describing word!

We have started our measurement unit in Math! Today we discovered that it is VERY important to have a universal unit of measurement. Using THEIR feet, each First Grader measured the same length of hallway. We got measurements ranging from 40 "feet" to 60 "feet!" Tomorrow we will try the same distance again, but instead of using their OWN feet, each First Grader will use a ruler. They predicted everyone will get the same number when using a ruler, so we will test our hypothesis tomorrow!

Similar to Guided Reading groups, our Words Their Way groups can (and will!) move based on student progress and student needs. It is VERY important each child is being instructed where THEY need to be instructed. With that being said, Words Their Way groups will change slightly AFTER Spring Break. The routine will be nearly the same, but your child's "New Word Day" and "Test Day" may change. I will send a note home attached to their words to let you know!

Don't forget! FRIDAY, MARCH 22 IS A HALF DAY!

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!