Welcome to our blog Fantastic First Grade Families! We hope you enjoy reading about what we're up to in Room 21. Make sure you check back often, we're always learning new and exciting things in First Grade!

Don't forget to check out Scholastic! Our Class Activation Code is L9K9F.

Monday, January 25, 2016

This Week's Updates

Happy Monday Fantastic First Grade Families!

Here's what we're up to in room 21 this week:

Writer's Workshop - We are getting close to the end of our Opinion Unit! We have switched gears a bit and are working to write reviews. We are restaurant reviewers, movie reviewers, video game reviewers, and more! We are working hard to CONVINCE our readers of our opinions. Here are some tools we use to convince our readers:

Math - We are deep into our Place Value Unit! We understand that two digit numbers are made up of tens and ones and will soon learn about hundreds! This week we will be focusing on ten more, ten less, comparing numbers, and expanded form. Check you kiddo's place value goal tracking page in their Leadership Binder to see what we've accomplished so far!

Spelling - Don't forget your child is responsible for their FIVE snap words each week. We choose our words on Mondays and take our tests on Fridays. It's super important that we practice our words at home so we're ready for our tests!

Reading - Please remember to read, read, read every school night! The expectation is 10 minutes each night, but many kiddos are reading more! WOO HOO! Make sure you are recording your minutes and initialing each night. We are working towards our school wide goal of one million minutes by the end of the year!

XtraMath - Although many kiddos are logging onto XtraMath at home, many kiddos aren't. It's a great way for students to practice their basic addition facts! Let me know if you need your child's password again.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Leadership Binder Update!

Happy Tuesday Fantastic First Grade Families!

Take a peek at your child's Leadership Binder this afternoon - we've added another section!

At the end of our binders we now have a "math goal tracking" section for us to keep track of the skills we are mastering in first grade. It looks like this:

Behind the divider, you will see our very first unit we are going to be tracking - Place Value! Throughout this math unit, we will learn:

We will keep track of our learning by coloring in each star after each skill is introduced whole group, practiced in small groups and centers, then mastered. As you can see, we have already learned that teen numbers are made up of one ten stick and some ones cubes!

Make sure you are checking your child's binder to monitor their practice pages, learning, and goal tracking.