Welcome to our blog Fantastic First Grade Families! We hope you enjoy reading about what we're up to in Room 21. Make sure you check back often, we're always learning new and exciting things in First Grade!

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Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday Update!

Happy Monday Fantastic First Grade Families!

Here's a quick update about what's going on in Room 16:

Writer's Workshop: We have officially ended our Small Moment unit and moved into our next unit - Non-Fiction Chapter Books! We started out our unit today by discussing the difference between a "story teller voice" and a "teaching voice." We have been using story teller voices throughout our whole first unit, but now we will be using teaching voices! We also learned we ALL are experts on different topics - sports, animals, games, you name it! Help your child brainstorm different topics they are experts on - we will be writing LOTS of teaching books, so they will need LOTS of ideas! :) 

Math: We are continuing our work with addition. More specifically, we are learning different addition strategies. We know that the best strategy is to just know it, but we're learning other strategies to use for tougher addition. Some addition strategies we are learning about/will learn about:

  • Counting On (in your head AND on a number line!)
  • Doubles
  • Doubles Plus 1 (Near Doubles)
  • Making 10 To Add
  • Related Facts
  • Fact Families
SpellingBreaking Words into BEGINNING and ENDING Chunks!

As we become more experienced readers, our brain effortlessly searches for known letters, sounds, and parts of words we know to help us “solve” the parts we don’t know. Finding and remembering chunks of letters to decode (reading!) and encode (writing!) is a very important strategy we use throughout our entire lives!!!
  • BEGINNING CHUNK - The beginning chunk is the letter(s) in front of the vowel. These are consonants, digraphs, or blends. Most words begin with a beginning chunk. These are also known as onsets.
  • ENDING CHUNK - The ending chunk begins at the first vowel to the end of the word or syllable. Every word has an ending chunk (because EVERY word has a vowel!). These are also known as word families or rimes.

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