Welcome to our blog Fantastic First Grade Families! We hope you enjoy reading about what we're up to in Room 21. Make sure you check back often, we're always learning new and exciting things in First Grade!

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Hello Fantastic First Grade Families! I apologize for the lack of blog posts – we've been busy, busy, BUSY in Room 11!

In math we have been practicing using the CUB strategy to solve word problems:
Circle the important numbers
Underline the question
Box the key words
Addition key words we have been practicing include: total, sum, increase, both, altogether, combined, add, plus, in all, together, join. We know that when we see these words in a word problem, we are going to ADD to solve it! (Check your child’s Take Home Folder for the WORDLES we made today during laptop time using our addition key words! Using www.wordle.net is a great idea for spelling words!) As we start subtraction this week, we will begin identifying the subtraction key words that help us figure out that we need to SUBTRACT!

These First Graders are AWESOME writers! Each day they are building more stamina and pushing themselves to become better writers! We continue to write counting up books, counting down books, days of the week books, and color books.

There is a TON of mail coming home today because it is Concord Flyer Tuesday! Please check your child’s Take Home Folder for all of the papers. One important piece is the BUZZ BOOK FORM! If you would like to be included in the 2012-2013 Concord Buzz Book, please fill out the form and send back to school by FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12! If you do not want to be in the Buzz Book, you do not need to return the form. However, only those who return the form will be given a Buzz Book.

A new Scholastic book order form is coming home in your child's Take Home Folder today. Remember, if you use our classroom code and order online our classroom receives FREE BOOKS and YOU receive FREE BOOKS! It's a GREAT deal!

Tomorrow we will be going to Powell Hall to see Green Eggs and Ham! The buses will leave Concord at 8:50 and the show begins at 9:15. The show will end around 10:30 and we will then head back to Concord for lunch. It’s going to be a GREAT field trip!

THIS Friday, October 12 is FAMILY BINGO NIGHT AT TRUMAN MIDDLE SCHOOL! Flyers were sent home last week to RSVP, but I wanted to remind all of the Fantastic First Grade Families because I WILL BE CALLING BINGO!!! Yours truly will be calling BINGO letters and numbers all night and I would LOVE to see some First Grade Friends playing and WINNING PRIZES! If you are interested in coming to Family Bingo Night, please send the RSVP in your child’s Take Home Folder. I would be more than happy to send another copy home if you have lost it.

Have a great night!

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