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Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday, October 29, 2012

Happy Monday Fantastic First Grade Families! I met with 12 parents tonight and look forward to meeting with 7 more on Thursday!

This week in Spelling we will be having a MONSTER review of First Grade sight words. In your child’s Take Home Folder you will find a list of 52 sight words. These are words we use in everyday writing so it is important that we, “just know them.” It’s important to remember that many of these sight words do not follow our rules, so it is hard for us to sound spell them.  Your child may already know many of the words, that is why this week is a review – we want to make sure everyone knows ALL of them! Today each student highlighted words from our MONSTER list they know are tricky for them. With continued practice we will be spelling these words correctly all the time! We will continue with spelling principles next week.

In Math we continue to practice using the CUBS strategy to solve word problems. We have shifted our focus from addition strategies to subtraction strategies. We will have a Math test over Chapter 4 on Friday.

In Writing we have been using order words to tell stories. Some students choose to write non-fiction stories and others choose to write fiction stories! The order words we use are:
One day…
After that…

In Social Studies we continue to work on map skills and learn about our earth and where we live. We know that maps tell us more than just where things are! Maps can show us land, water, roads, and cities.

I hope everyone has a wonderful night! 

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