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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My name is Josh. I'm the updater today.

When I walked in everybody was working and putting their binders up on the shelf. We were writing in our journals and we went on the carpet for morning meeting.

For math we were trying to make both sides of a equation the same. It's called balancing an equation. Then Miss Greteman told us to put in our mailboxes. Then we got started on Writer's Workshop.

In Writer's Workshop we looked at our collection and decided which one is the best.

Then we went to lunch. We ate chicken nuggets, ravioli, and bringers. I was a chicken nugget. We ate our lunch, we lined up to go to recess, and we came inside our room. Me, Elizabeth, and George played legos together. We made a humongous robot. It fell down so it wasn't that fun anymore.

Then we had Daily 5. We had groups. After that, we picked our choices for Daily 5.

Then we went to P.E. It was fun! We played with balloons. We kicked the balloons. Then we lined up to go back to our classroom and we had our snack. Miss Greteman read us Junie. B.

Then we went on the carpet and watched a video about how things move. Then we read our Time for Kids magazine.

Then Miss Greteman called our numbers and we came up and put our Time for Kids in our mailboxes.

Then we had an afternoon meeting. Since we have a short week we will not have new spelling words. Then we got off the carpet and started packing up. Miss Greteman asked us to work on something from our desk while we packed up. I got out my Martin Luther King Jr. packet.

Then Miss Greteman called me to write the blog and that's it!

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