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Friday, January 24, 2014

Today Savannah is updating the blog!

Today when we walked in we could do a Free Day Friday choice because it was Free Day Friday. After we did that we did Writer's Workshop. After Writer's Workshop we went to the library and we got all different sorts of books. I got three books. One is The Great Fuzz Frenzy and One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue fish, and Junie B. Jones Alohahaha. After that we came back and got to read our new books. Then we went to lunch. I got Dominos for lunch. After that we went to the classroom because of had indoor recess. Some of us played hangman and some of us played legos. After that recess was over we did Daily 5. After Daily 5 we went to P.E. Then Miss Greteman told us we had a Mystery Reader. Then she read us the clues. Then we all were guessing and Michael went down to the office to get his dad. Then we started packing up. THE END!

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