Welcome to our blog Fantastic First Grade Families! We hope you enjoy reading about what we're up to in Room 21. Make sure you check back often, we're always learning new and exciting things in First Grade!

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Friday, November 2, 2012

What a CRAZY Week!

Happy Friday Fantastic First Grade Families!

A HUGE thank you to Carrie's mom who planned the Halloween party and Levi's mom who took over as party planner when Carrie's mom couldn't make it! It was a GREAT time! Another BIG thank you to Sierra's dad for being our official Room 11 photographer! Below are just a few of the 70+ pictures he took! Also, thank you to all the parents who attended the Halloween party! It’s awesome to have so many involved parents!

Busting out of my mummy wrapping - pretty scary!!!

This morning Mrs. Koetting came to explain the Adopt-a-Family program that begins next week. Check your e-mails for a note from her explaining the details.

Every student at Concord participated in Kids Voting today. This morning our class went to the library to vote on the president, senator, and governor. The First Graders enjoyed the chance to cast their ballot! Prior to going to the polls we discussed voting:
Why do we vote?
Who can vote?
Who is running for president?
How long is a president’s term?

We took our Chapter 4 Math test this morning and everyone did FANTASTIC! We have now finished Unit 1: Addition and Subtraction Concepts. Next week we will begin Unit 2: Addition and Subtraction Facts to 10. We will continue to learn and practice subtraction strategies.

We also took our MONSTER Sight Word Spelling test this afternoon. It was definitely a MONSTER test – 52 words! It was long, but we got through it quickly because these are words we have been practicing over and over.

This year, Concord’s school wide service learning project will be Cystic Fibrosis. Next week we will be raising money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Each day of our short week will have a different theme. The children are encouraged to bring $1 each day to donate to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
Wednesday, November 7 – Read-a-thon Day
Thursday, November 8 – Pajama Day
Friday, November 9 – Choose your own Block Day (During our regularly scheduled Block time the students will get to choose their favorite – Art, Music, or P.E!)

Don’t forget:

I hope everyone has a wonderful FOUR day weekend!

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