Welcome to our blog Fantastic First Grade Families! We hope you enjoy reading about what we're up to in Room 21. Make sure you check back often, we're always learning new and exciting things in First Grade!

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Friday, November 16, 2012


Happy Friday Fantastic First Grade Families!

Room 11 is doing an AWESOME job with Adopt a Family! So far we have donated 105 items! Today was Jingles for Jammies and I am BLOWN AWAY by our donation of change...$77.32!!! WAY TO GO FIRST GRADERS! Not only did we give a huge donation, we also worked together to count ALL the change we donated! We separated into four groups, sorted the coins, and then counted them. Talk about team work! Thank you to everyone who has participated in this important program at such a tough time of year for some families. It's truly amazing to see our Concord community come together to help those less fortunate than us. Next week's theme is cleaning supplies. If you would like to donate please send in items such as bleach, windex, detergent, Clorox wipes, etc. Every single donation helps!

This week we began Chapter 8 in Math. We continue to practice subtraction strategies like counting back, using a number line, and drawing a picture. Of course, "just knowing them" is the best strategy of all! We have started learning about Fact Families and will continue that into next week. A fact family is made up of four related facts - two addition and two subtraction - that share the same three numbers. Here is an example:
Although we've just started, ask your child if they can explain what a Fact Family is or give you an example of a Fact Family!

This week in Writing we have started writing Thanksgiving stories. We've brainstormed Thanksgiving words, discussed what we're thankful for, and shared different things we do with our families on Thanksgiving. We will continue this through our short week next week.

On Wednesday we met with our third grade buddies from Miss Rauschenbach's class! We worked together to make turkeys using our hands and feet. Check out the pictures!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! I will be running the Girls on the Run 5k with the 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders tomorrow morning downtown! I hope it's a beautiful morning and not too cold! :)

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