Welcome to our blog Fantastic First Grade Families! We hope you enjoy reading about what we're up to in Room 21. Make sure you check back often, we're always learning new and exciting things in First Grade!

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Adopt a Family, Library, and IPADS!

Good afternoon Fantastic First Grade Families!

Monday morning we walked into our classroom to find an AWESOME surprise - FIVE IPADS! Every K, 1, and 2 classroom in the whole district is now equipped with five iPads for student use. There were no apps downloaded yet, but I spent Monday evening getting them ready for us! Tuesday afternoon we spent time exploring the iPads and learning how they work. We are fortunate to have quite a few iPad experts in our classroom. Many First Graders told me they have an iPad at home so they were familiar with how they work. It's GREAT to have friends who can help us out - ESPECIALLY with technology :)

Today we started integrating the iPads into our daily routine - we are starting with Word Work during Daily 5. Every student will get time each week to use the iPads during Daily 5 for various Word Work activities. As we become more comfortable with the iPads we will use them during Math and at other times throughout the day. In addition to the iPads, we still have our laptops and interactive whiteboard. Our classroom is FULL of technology the students use on a daily basis!

We only have TWO more days left for our Adopt a Family program at Concord! This afternoon Mrs. Koetting came to count all of our items (THANK YOU MRS. KOETTING!). So far we have collected 315 items!!!! It is still possible to get our grand total a little higher, so feel free to send in items Thursday and Friday of THIS week.

The library was closed on Monday during our regularly scheduled time, so we did not visit the library until this afternoon. If your child did not bring their books to school today, they may visit the library in the morning. We will still visit the library next Monday.

In Math we continue to create graphs, tally tables, and answer questions about the information given to us. We will take our Chapter 9 test on Friday.

Have a great night!

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