Welcome to our blog Fantastic First Grade Families! We hope you enjoy reading about what we're up to in Room 21. Make sure you check back often, we're always learning new and exciting things in First Grade!

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Monday, December 17, 2012

Happy Monday!

Good afternoon Fantastic First Grade Families!

We have a short, exciting week ahead of us!

We will have NO whole class principle in Spelling this week. However, each child chose 5 Star Sight Words to practice throughout the week for our Thursday morning test.

At the beginning of the year your child was assessed on 112 First Grade sight words to be mastered by the end of the year. The words your child spelled incorrectly were compiled to make their personal list of Special Star Sight Words. As we hit the half way mark for First Grade, many of the students have mastered words from their Special Star Sight Words list that they do not need to choose for future Spelling tests. This week we are taking that same 112 First Grade sight word test to reassess where each student is. Your child DOES NOT need to practice for this assessment. We began the assessment this afternoon with the first 28 words. What took us 30 minutes in August only took 15 minutes today! These First Graders knew almost EVERY word and breezed right through it! It's very exciting to see their growth from just a few short months ago. I have attached a picture of the 112 words if you are interested.

This week we will not begin a new chapter in Math. We will spend time reviewing the various concepts we have covered first and second quarter - especially addition and subtraction strategies. Today we reviewed and practiced our addition strategies. We know that the best addition strategy is JUST KNOWING IT. To help reinforce this fact memorization we have begun TIMED TESTS! This week we are learning how timed tests work - we are practicing how and why we do them. Once we come back from Winter Break we will OFFICIALLY start timed tests. The timed tests are leveled - your child must pass A before moving to B before moving to C before moving to D etc. This means we won't all be on the same timed test at the same time. Today we all started with B and everyone did FANTASTIC! You will know your child has moved to the next level when you see a PASS at the top of their timed test. We know that we only have TWO minutes to finish our timed tests, so it's important to PUSH our brains and move FAST! We cannot spend time stuck on one problem because we will run out of time. If we get stuck, a good strategy is to circle it and MOVE ON. Missing one is better than getting stuck on it and missing the rest! (Check out the picture of them pushing their brains to get finished in two minutes!)

I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday night!

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