Welcome to our blog Fantastic First Grade Families! We hope you enjoy reading about what we're up to in Room 21. Make sure you check back often, we're always learning new and exciting things in First Grade!

Don't forget to check out Scholastic! Our Class Activation Code is L9K9F.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Early Release Wednesday!

Today was a JAM PACKED early release day!

We had our second Character Assembly this morning to recognize all the Concord kids who have hit a GRAND SLAM FOR CHARACTER! When a student displays an act of good character they are recognized on Flyer Vision, get a spot on the Character Hall of Fame, and they get to wear a ball cap to EVERY Character Assembly for the REST OF THE YEAR! ALL Concord teachers are on the look out for students displaying good character throughout their day!

Today we had BUDDY BLOCK! This means we combined our class and Miss Rauschenbach's class for Block. We also met with our Buddy Class this morning. We spent time discussing random acts of kindness, creating a wreath of kind words, and buddy reading. Spending time with our buddies is always fun and we look forward to the next time we meet with them!

After lunch we visited the BOOK FAIR! In your child's Take Home Folder you will find a list of the books they are interested in purchasing. The prices that are listed DO NOT INCLUDE TAX. This means the final total will be a bit more, so writing a check for the exact amount listed will cause some problems. If you would like to purchase some or all of the books on your child's list I encourage you to send cash with them on Friday. In addition to me helping them at the book fair, there are NUMEROUS parent volunteers assisting at the book fair. When they check out, we will make sure they receive their change and that it goes straight into their backpacks when we return from the book fair. THANK YOU for your understanding!

Have a great night!

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