Welcome to our blog Fantastic First Grade Families! We hope you enjoy reading about what we're up to in Room 21. Make sure you check back often, we're always learning new and exciting things in First Grade!

Don't forget to check out Scholastic! Our Class Activation Code is L9K9F.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Hello my name is Hannah.

This morning we did a math sheet. It was a missing addend.

Next we did laptops. We published our teaching books.

Then we went to lunch. I ate with Ben, Abby, and Olivia.

Next we had recess. I took my jacket but then I took it off because I wanted to play with Abby.

Then we had Daily 5. I was iPad and read to self. I met with Mrs. Marting. When I was on the iPad someone showed me how to get on Google Drive so I can see published Writer's Workshop books.

Then we had P.E. We did a game and we had to try and feed the reindeer enough food for winter so they could have energy for Christmas. I was the Rudolph to throw it in the bucket but we got zero. Then Belle threw it in the bucket and we got zero. Then Lily threw it in the bucket and we got three.

Then we had snack. Then Mrs. Critchlow came and we got to play with some of her toys she has in her office.

Then we came back and did the laptops.

We had a Mystery Reader.

Then it was time to pack up. I said bye to Ben. Then when I had my laptop Miss Greteman forgot I had it so I ran out of the room and said, "Miss Greteman! I have a laptop!" Then we came to the carpet and I started the blog. Then everybody stacked their chairs. Then we lined up to go to the buses.



Check out these First Grade writers publishing their animal teaching chapter books on Google Drive! They are working SO hard!!!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Hi I'm Gabby. I'm the blog updater today.

Math - In math we did a Christmas tree math page and we did math centers.

Writer's Workshop - In Writer's Workshop we were finishing our animal teaching books and Miss Greteman was coming around and checking our writing. Some people were illustrating their animal teaching books.

Lunch - At lunch I had a corn dog and other people got a chocolate chip muffin.

Recess - At recess I played with my friends Lily and Savannah. We played a monster game.

Daily 5 - Everybody was doing their job. Some people had read to self, read to someone, work on writing, word work, and iPad.

Block - Today we went to Art. We had a substitute. We made a Christmas tree with glitter pens.

MORE Writing - We went back and looked for mistakes like capital letters and words that we're not sure that were right.

Mystery Reader - Today we had a Mystery Reader. It was Ben's Grandma and Grandpa. When Ben heard the clue that they lived in Maine, he flew up from the carpet! He said YAY! They read The Little Fisherman.

Packing up - After the Mystery Readers left, it was already time to pack up. It was so crazy! Miss Greteman checked everyone's binder. Then we all packed up and now we are on the carpet.

The end.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Ben is the blog updater.

We met on the carpet and my number was rolled. So that means I get to be the blog updater.

Math - I got to take the pictures and everyone else was doing their center. I was fact power.

Writer's Workshop - I was writing more of my eagle book. I got done today, 12-17-13. I like doing my eagle book. Everyone else was writing about an animal too. Hannah was writing about foxes.

Lunch - I had chicken nuggets. Everyone else practically also had chicken nuggets too.

Recess - It was very snowy so Mr. Hayes told us to get off the playground and onto the blacktop.

Daily 5 - I read with Hannah and I went to group. I read the book Scared At Night - Chapter 2.

Block - I got to do three things at the holiday festival. When we got there I got to get a number. It was number 2. Elliott got number 1. First I went to the one where I wrote my name in cursive. Then I went to the one where I made a plate a dinner that they had in a feast. Then I went to make a paper chain. Then I went to Mrs. Huffman's room.

Then I went back to my classroom with my two stickers and my prize. I did not have snack. We were watching a video about matter.

Then we made our own flash cards to practice our spelling words. I was partners with Hannah.

Packing up - Then when I was packing up I found my prize and I started writing on the blog.Then I went to parent pick up. I got called and then went to my dads car. He was waiting for me out there. THE END!

Monday, December 16, 2013

My name is George.

We had a fun day.

We wrote about our weekend.

We shared about our weekend.

We did math. We did word problems. We drew a picture to solve.

We did Writer's Workshop. We worked on our animal teaching books. We learned about punctuation. We checked for beginnings and endings.

We went to lunch and recess. We had indoor recess. We played heads up seven up. We also colored.

We did Daily 5.

At music we sang and we danced and we listened to a story.

We had snack. Miss Greteman read us a story.

We did science. We learned about mixtures.

We did spelling. We got 10 star sight words.

We came to the carpet and George started the blog. But then he had to leave for parent pick up, so bus riders helped update the blog.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Hi I am Olivia and I'm the blog updater today!

We did our morning work.

We did math. We had a worksheet to do. We had to cut and glue and find the missing addends.

We did writing. We started a new teaching book. We are writing about animals.

Then we went to lunch. At recess we got to go outside.

Then we had daily 5. We did our daily 5 choices.

Then we went to block. We watched a music video.

Then we came back into the classroom. We ate our snacks. Then we did laptops. We typed our teaching book and found real pictures to add on it.

Then we packed up.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Morgan is the blog updater today! Tomorrow will be someone else!

Math - Everybody was working and I was coming around taking pictures.

Writer's Workshop - Everyone was writing on their teaching books and we all got to share. I wasn't taking pictures.

Lunch - Everyone was eating. Some people brought their lunch and some people bought their lunch.

Daily 5 - Everyone was working on something. Miss Greteman was calling over some groups.

Art - Everybody was working on some elf feet. There was a substitute during art. We all were working very hard at art!

Savannah, Gabby, Olivia, Belle, and Emma read their teaching books.

Science - We were all watching a brainpop video. They were Moby brainpop videos.

Spelling - We were working on a vowel project about the one vowel rule, two vowel rule, and silent e rule.

We packed up. Miss Greteman checked our binders.

The end.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Room 16 is starting something new! Instead of Miss Greteman always making blog updates, FIRST GRADERS will be making blog updates! Each day one First Grade will be in charge of updating the blog. Today, we are doing it as a class to "get the hang of it." Here is a look at our day through the eyes of a First Grader...

This morning we wrote in our journals about our weekends.

Math - We did a Christmas coloring page. We did math centers. Miss Greteman had math groups.

Writer's Workshop - We wrote a beginning for our teaching chapter books.

Lunch and Recess - We had indoor recess. We played heads up seven up.We colored. We read books.

Daily 5 - We did groups with Mrs. Marting and Miss Greteman. We did centers.

P.E - We played a tagging game. It is called Grinch Tag. We played a game that you had to knock pins down. It is called Chopping Down Trees. We played a game with paper plates. We pretended they were snowballs and we were on scooters getting them.

Mystery Reader - Gavin's dad read Snowmen at night.

We took our spelling test because we had a snow day on Friday.

Science - Matter can change.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday Fantastic First Grade Families!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and enjoyed the break! I can't believe we only have three weeks before Christmas Break!

This week we are back on track with new spelling words! We will be working with BEGINNING CHUNKS and ENDING CHUNKS. As we become more experienced readers, our brain effortlessly searches for known letters, sounds, and parts of words we know to help us "solve" the parts we don't know. Finding and remembering chunks of letters to decode (reading!) and encode (writing!) is a very important strategy we use throughout our entire lives!

BEGINNING CHUNK: the beginning chunk is the letter(s) in front of the vowel. These are consonants, digraphs, or blends. Most words begin with a beginning chunk. These are also known as onsets. 

ENDING CHUNK: the ending chunk begins at the first vowel to the end of the word or syllable. Every word has an ending chunk (because EVERY word has a vowel!). These are also known as word families or rimes. 

In Writing, we continue to work on teaching books, but we have upped the anty! We have begun writing CHAPTER teaching books! Today we looked at a familiar nonfiction book about sharks and discovered the TABLE OF CONTENTS. We learned that a table of contents is kind of like a schedule - it tells us what is coming up in the book. A table of contents can help us organize our information into chapters and eventually stretch out our teaching books to be longer and more detailed! Everyone is VERY excited to become authors of CHAPTER BOOKS!

We have started a new chapter in Science - Matter. In this chapter we will learn:
What is matter?
What are solids, liquids, and gases?
How can you change matter?
What is a mixture?

Today we learned that matter is anything that takes up space, and mass is the amount of matter in an object. We can describe and group objects using our five senses - by color, size, shape, texture, and weight.

Don't forget - Adopt a Family is still going on! This week we are collecting personal care items such as soap, shampoo, conditioner, baby products, lotion, toothpaste, etc. Every donation (big or small!) really helps our Concord families. Thank you!

Have a great night!

Monday, November 25, 2013

A VERY Short Week!

Happy Monday Fantastic First Grade Families!

This afternoon we had a MYSTERY READER! Bobby's mom came to our classroom to read two books - Let's Eat! and How The Grinch Stole Christmas. A big thank you to Mrs. Vogel for coming!

With our incredibly short week, there will be NO SPELLING THIS WEEK. We will start back up with Spelling after Thanksgiving Break. 

Just a reminder: PLEASE send your child to school with a WINTER COAT. They are outside for twenty straight minutes during recess, so a light jacket/fleece is not enough. Thank you!

Monday, November 18, 2013

What a Week!

Happy Monday Fantastic First Grade Families!

We continue to stay busy busy in Room 16!

We have officially started our new writing unit - informational/teaching books! We have learned that we are ALL experts on something. Many of us are experts on animals, games, or sports! We have also learned HOW to write a teaching book:
It is important we say it across our fingers because we need to know AT LEAST five things about our topic to be considered an expert. If we can only think of two or three things about our topic we have to think of a NEW topic. 

In Math we have begun SUBTRACTION! We know that a subtraction sentence is minuend minus subtrahend equals difference. We also know that the minuend is ALWAYS going to be the biggest number. Just like addition, we will be learning various strategies to help us solve subtraction sentences. Today we learned how to draw a picture and CROSS OUT to help us find the difference. We will also discover the relationship between addition and subtraction (HINT: fact families!)

In your child's Flyer Binder you will find an XTRAMATH flyer. Xtramath is an online fact fluency program. I encourage you to have your first grader use xtramath to practice addition facts. Although we have learned various strategies to help us solve addition sentences, the BEST strategy is to JUST KNOW IT! Xtramath will help with just knowing it!

Thank you to everyone who has donated to our adopt a family program! We have A TON of items in our boxes!

Friday, November 8, 2013


Happy Friday Fantastic First Grade Families!

WOW! Today was a REALLY awesome and VERY jam packed day! 

In Writing we are beginning to wrap up our Small Moment unit. This means we are PUBLISHING OUR STORIES! Each first grader has chosen ONE seed story they love and we have been working hard to revise and edit to make it one of the best stories we've ever written. This means we are checking for capitals and periods, and bringing our stories to life by adding speech bubbles, dialogue, feelings, and actions. We are in the process of typing our stories in a Google Presentation that we will print then illustrate. Each Lindbergh student has their own GMAIL and GOOGLE DRIVE. As we become more familiar with how this awesome technology works, I will send home usernames and passwords so first graders can access their google drive at home! 

This afternoon we met with our fourth grade buddies to plant bulbs in our Concord Garden! 

We also had a MYSTERY READER today! John's mom came to our classroom and read Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. Thank you for coming Mrs. Zoeller! 

Veteran's Day Assembly - Monday, November 11 - Wear red, white, and blue!
Early Release - Wednesday, November 13