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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Hello my name is Hannah.

This morning we did a math sheet. It was a missing addend.

Next we did laptops. We published our teaching books.

Then we went to lunch. I ate with Ben, Abby, and Olivia.

Next we had recess. I took my jacket but then I took it off because I wanted to play with Abby.

Then we had Daily 5. I was iPad and read to self. I met with Mrs. Marting. When I was on the iPad someone showed me how to get on Google Drive so I can see published Writer's Workshop books.

Then we had P.E. We did a game and we had to try and feed the reindeer enough food for winter so they could have energy for Christmas. I was the Rudolph to throw it in the bucket but we got zero. Then Belle threw it in the bucket and we got zero. Then Lily threw it in the bucket and we got three.

Then we had snack. Then Mrs. Critchlow came and we got to play with some of her toys she has in her office.

Then we came back and did the laptops.

We had a Mystery Reader.

Then it was time to pack up. I said bye to Ben. Then when I had my laptop Miss Greteman forgot I had it so I ran out of the room and said, "Miss Greteman! I have a laptop!" Then we came to the carpet and I started the blog. Then everybody stacked their chairs. Then we lined up to go to the buses.


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