Welcome to our blog Fantastic First Grade Families! We hope you enjoy reading about what we're up to in Room 21. Make sure you check back often, we're always learning new and exciting things in First Grade!

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Monday, December 9, 2013

Room 16 is starting something new! Instead of Miss Greteman always making blog updates, FIRST GRADERS will be making blog updates! Each day one First Grade will be in charge of updating the blog. Today, we are doing it as a class to "get the hang of it." Here is a look at our day through the eyes of a First Grader...

This morning we wrote in our journals about our weekends.

Math - We did a Christmas coloring page. We did math centers. Miss Greteman had math groups.

Writer's Workshop - We wrote a beginning for our teaching chapter books.

Lunch and Recess - We had indoor recess. We played heads up seven up.We colored. We read books.

Daily 5 - We did groups with Mrs. Marting and Miss Greteman. We did centers.

P.E - We played a tagging game. It is called Grinch Tag. We played a game that you had to knock pins down. It is called Chopping Down Trees. We played a game with paper plates. We pretended they were snowballs and we were on scooters getting them.

Mystery Reader - Gavin's dad read Snowmen at night.

We took our spelling test because we had a snow day on Friday.

Science - Matter can change.

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