Welcome to our blog Fantastic First Grade Families! We hope you enjoy reading about what we're up to in Room 21. Make sure you check back often, we're always learning new and exciting things in First Grade!

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Monday, January 14, 2013

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday Fantastic First Grade Families!

Words Their Way has begun! I hope you found the letter explaining the program in your child's backpack over the weekend. This week will look a little different than most weeks because each group is just getting started with their first set of words. By Friday we will be in our routine! If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to call or send me an email. I am more than happy to clear things up for you!

Writer's Workshop is starting to take shape in Room 11! We have begun learning about the SIX steps of Writer's Workshop:
1. Brainstorm
2. Draft
3. Edit
4. Revise
5. Teacher Conference
6. Publish
We've been brainstorming and drafting since the beginning of the year, so we are PROS at those two steps. One important thing to remember about Writer's Workshop is that we ALWAYS USE PEN! When we are brainstorming, drafting, and publishing we use BLUE pens and when we are editing and revising we use RED pens to make corrections or add details. These two supplies were on the list at the beginning of the school year, but many students are missing blue pens. Please make sure your child has at least two blue and two red pens at school for Writer's Workshop.

In Science we have shifted gears from plants to ANIMALS! We know that animals can be classified into SIX different groups: fish, insects, mammals, birds, reptiles, or amphibians. We will be learning about the different characteristics of all these groups.

Today we started Chapter 12 in Math. In this chapter we will be comparing numbers using >, <, and =. Today we learned that the alligator mouth always wants to eat the BIGGER number. Check your child's Take Home Folder for a blue parent letter explaining the chapter. Your child's graded Chapter 11 test will be coming home tomorrow in their Take Home Folder.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week! Stay warm!

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