Welcome to our blog Fantastic First Grade Families! We hope you enjoy reading about what we're up to in Room 21. Make sure you check back often, we're always learning new and exciting things in First Grade!

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Friday, January 4, 2013

Welcome Back!

Welcome back Fantastic First Grade Families!

It's been a SHORT week, but PART TWO is underway!

In Math we have started Chapter 10 - Place Value to 100. A Parent Letter explaining the chapter was sent in your child's Take Home Folder yesterday. We continue to push our brains with Timed Tests and these First Graders are AWESOME! Keep a look out for Timed Tests in your child's Take Home Folder - if you do not see PASS at the top, they will retake that test until it is passed.

During Daily 5 we continue to Read to Self, Read to Someone, Work on Writing, Listen to Reading, do various Word Work activities, and of course meet in small groups with myself or Mrs. Marting. Daily 5 is an EXCELLENT example of our classroom's use of technology, and the iPads have raised the bar even higher! We use the iPads to play word games, practice sight words, listen to stories, and even practice our handwriting! Check out the pictures below for some recent examples!

As we dive into Third Quarter, we will be writing some AMAZING stories. We've been "drafting" since the beginning of the year, but we will take writing to a whole new level as we begin to EDIT, REVISE, and PUBLISH our writing pieces. Writing is already a favorite time of day for many, but it's about to get EVEN BETTER!

I hope everyone has a wonderful, restful weekend and comes back READY TO LEARN for a WHOLE week on Monday morning!

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