Welcome to our blog Fantastic First Grade Families! We hope you enjoy reading about what we're up to in Room 21. Make sure you check back often, we're always learning new and exciting things in First Grade!

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Friday, January 25, 2013

The 100th Day of School!

Whew! It was a BUSY week and a VERY busy day! I cannot believe we have celebrated our 100th day and are already MORE than half way finished with first grade. I guess the saying is true - time flies when you're having fun!

Writer's Workshop is really starting to take off! We are learning what it means to revise writing pieces and we've even started practicing revising our OWN writing pieces! We know that when we REVISE we are checking if our story SOUNDS right and MAKES SENSE. We aren't looking for spelling mistakes, capital letters, or periods yet. We'll look for those when we EDIT!

Today we finished up Chapter 11 in Math and will begin Chapter 12: Number Patterns on Monday! In this chapter we will practice counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s, learn about even and odd numbers, and continue working with tens and ones.

Science is one of our most exciting parts of the day! We have begun classifying animals and learning about their different characteristics. This week we learned about the difference between cold blooded and warm blooded animals. We know that humans are WARM BLOODED - our bodies work to keep us warm when it's cold and cool us off when we get too hot.

Our 100th Day celebration was a success! We talked about tens and the number 100 A LOT today. First we worked together in groups to count out EXACTLY 100 Legos then used teamwork to build something with the 100 we chose. This afternoon we created 100th Day crowns! We knew it would be VERY time consuming to glue 100 strips of paper to our crown, so instead we used 10 strips with 10 shapes on each strip. We know the number 100 has 10 tens, so 10 strips with 10 pictures on each equals 100! Thank you to everyone who sent in 100th day snacks! Again, counting out 100 M&Ms would take TOO long and we would need TOO many, so instead we grouped our snacks into 10s and pretended each one was worth 10 instead of 1. When we used our imagination it was like we had 100 of each! :)

I hope everyone has a wonderful, RESTFUL weekend. We have A LOT of germs floating around Room 11 - coughing, sneezing, and runny noses are very common around here. I hope everyone can get some good rest and come back on Monday feeling healthy and ready for day 101 and beyond!

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