Welcome to our blog Fantastic First Grade Families! We hope you enjoy reading about what we're up to in Room 21. Make sure you check back often, we're always learning new and exciting things in First Grade!

Don't forget to check out Scholastic! Our Class Activation Code is L9K9F.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Our First Day in First Grade!

Happy first day of school fantastic first grade families!

We had an AWESOME first day! We read books, drew self-portraits, and went to block! We spent time getting familiar with our school, Room 21, and our classmates. Overall, we had a pretty fabulous day!

     In your child's backpack you will find his/her Leadership Binder. Our Leadership Binders will come home on a daily basis. This binder will be a way for home and school to communicate about your child’s progress academically and behaviorally. It will also show you and your child the progress that he or she is making and the areas that may need improvement.
     Through this Leadership Binder your child will become organized and responsible while taking charge of their learning. This will also help them to set goals and work towards achieving those goals. You will notice this is a work in progress ​. As we set more goals you will see more things appear in the Leadership Binder. We will spend some time on Curriculum Night talking more in depth about our Leadership Binders. Until then, please check your child’s Leadership Binder daily and use it to send any papers back to school.
     We encourage you to take some time to review the Leadership Binder and discuss it with your child. Use this binder to help your child make progress. We hope that the Leadership Binder will provide you with information you need as we work together in making sure that our children are happy, healthy, productive and capable kids!

We will have our Back to School assembly tomorrow afternoon at 2:30! Your first grader will receive a special green t-shirt to wear tomorrow and on all future assembly days.

Check out all our pictures from today!

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