Welcome to our blog Fantastic First Grade Families! We hope you enjoy reading about what we're up to in Room 21. Make sure you check back often, we're always learning new and exciting things in First Grade!

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Friday, September 11, 2015

Fabulous Friday!

Happy Friday Fantastic First Grade Families!

We had another amazing week in Room 21! With 16 days under our belt we are in routines, know expectations, and are SO close to digging into the real LEARNING of first grade. Next week our CSR, Mrs. Marting, will begin meeting with reading groups and shortly after that Miss Greteman will begin meeting with reading groups! 

These First Graders continue to be ROCKSTAR WRITERS! This week we started zooming in on our small moment stories. Instead of picking a watermelon idea like a whole entire vacation to Florida, we are choosing seed stories like finding a starfish on the beach. We also aren't afraid to spell tricky words like "eventually" and "Halloween" because we are learning spelling strategies! This week we've focused on STRETCHING through words. Ask your kiddo what tricky words they stretched through during Writer's Workshop this week! 

Today we met with our writing partners for the first time! Writing partners are an important tool during Writer's Workshop! They can help us through the writing process and keep us on track with our planning, writing, and revising. When we first meet with our writing partner, we need to do some STORYTELLING:
1. Partner 1 tells their story. 
2. Partner 2 listens and asks questions. 
3. Partner 1 tells their story again, saying MORE. 
4. Partners switch!
5. Partners write their stories!

Don't forget - if you do any reading over the weekend to mark it down in your Leadership Binder!

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