Welcome to our blog Fantastic First Grade Families! We hope you enjoy reading about what we're up to in Room 21. Make sure you check back often, we're always learning new and exciting things in First Grade!

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Monday, September 14, 2015

Spelling, SNAP Words, and Goals! OH MY!

This afternoon you will find some exciting spelling stuff in your child's Leadership Binder! This week we will be working on our very first Spelling Principle - You can add a letter to the beginning of a little word you know to make a new word. In addition, each child has chosen three Snap Words to focus on this week. We will store our Spelling Principles at the very beginning of our binder. This week it looks like this:
We will have ten words that follow this principle on our Friday test.

You will also find FOUR pages of First Grade Snap Words in our Goal Setting section. At the beginning of the school year each child was assessed on these words to see which ones we know and which ones we still need to practice. Your child highlighted all the words they know today at school. PLEASE DO NOT HIGHLIGHT WORDS AT HOME. We will use these pages to keep track of our Snap Word mastery, choose weekly Snap Words, and SET GOALS! Speaking of setting goals...

Please talk with your child about the Snap Words he/she already knows and the three they have chosen to practice this week. Then, work together to create a REASONABLE Snap Word goal we can work towards for FIRST QUARTER. You do not need to worry about second, third, or fourth quarter goals. We will set Snap Word goals at the beginning of each new quarter!

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