Welcome to our blog Fantastic First Grade Families! We hope you enjoy reading about what we're up to in Room 21. Make sure you check back often, we're always learning new and exciting things in First Grade!

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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Terrific Tuesday!

Happy Tuesday Fantastic First Grade Families!

I hope everyone enjoyed the three day weekend! It sounds like lots of people squeezed in some final trips and pool time! :)

We have officially started HOMEWORK in Room 21! Concord has set a school-wide goal of reading ONE MILLION minutes by the end of the year! To do our part, we will be reading 10+ minutes EVERY night to help reach that goal. You will find a light bulb recording sheet in the "Goal Setting" section of your child's Leadership Binder tonight. Please have your child color in one light bulb for every ten minutes read, then initial inside each light bulb. This is considered homework so please make it a priority each night! This nightly reading can include: reading to your child, your child reading to you, or your child reading independently.

We are getting VERY close to officially starting Spelling in Room 21! This week we all have the same list of SNAP words that we will test over on Friday. You will find it in your child's Leadership Binder this afternoon. You may think, "These words are easy! My child already knows them!" and that's OK! This week we are focusing our brains on, "What does Spelling look like in our classroom?" opposed to "I am learning new words." We will spend this week getting familiar with word work choices (to practice spelling words) and being responsible for our list of words. Next week Spelling will become differentiated and we will start with our first principle!

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