Welcome to our blog Fantastic First Grade Families! We hope you enjoy reading about what we're up to in Room 21. Make sure you check back often, we're always learning new and exciting things in First Grade!

Don't forget to check out Scholastic! Our Class Activation Code is L9K9F.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A Few Important Things

Snack – I sent home information about snack at Meet the Teacher Night, but I wanted to address snack again. We will have snack every day after Block. Students should bring ONE SMALL snack each day. Ideas for good snacks are pretzels, apple, banana, cheese stick, and dry cereal. Snack should be something that can be eaten quickly and easily – nothing that requires a spoon please! Students should not bring juice, milk, or any other drink with their snack. Many students have been bringing sandwiches, multiple items, and juice boxes to eat during snack. It looks like a whole meal sometimes! This causes snack to take up much more time than necessary. Please make sure you are sending something small with your child.

Water Bottles – Students MAY bring a water bottle to school that can be used during class. Please only send a reusable water bottle with a lid that pops open and closed. Water bottles with screw caps that come completely off can cause huge messes if not screwed back on completely. Water bottles must always stay on the floor near our desks, we don’t want to spill water on our work!

Each student received their Math book today! We had some very excited kiddos today during Math – I can tell a lot of them really enjoy it! We took some time to explore our Math books to see all the exciting things we will be learning in First Grade. We practiced ripping pages out of our Math books using the perforation and completed the “Kindergarten Review” at the beginning of the book to get our brains into First Grade Math Mode. These pages will be coming home in your child’s Take Home Folder. They do not need to be returned.

If you have not turned in the various forms from the beginning of the year, please send those with your child sometime before this Friday. The office needs to have these by Friday August 24. Thank you!

It’s only the first few days of the year and many of the First Graders are still getting used to being at school all day. So remember, it’s very important for First Graders to get to bed early and eat a good, nutritious breakfast before school!

Have a great night!

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