Welcome to our blog Fantastic First Grade Families! We hope you enjoy reading about what we're up to in Room 21. Make sure you check back often, we're always learning new and exciting things in First Grade!

Don't forget to check out Scholastic! Our Class Activation Code is L9K9F.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Happy Monday!

Welcome to our first full week of First Grade! A lot of important things are happening this week.

Each First Grader was given their personal dry erase board today that will be used throughout the year. Our dry erase boards will be used often for a quick formative assessment during various lessons; especially Math. I’m not sure about your house, but at my house we ALWAYS lose socks and end up with mismatched pairs. An old sock is a GREAT eraser for our white boards. If you don’t mind losing a sock, please send one to school with your child to have their own eraser.

Our Take Home Folders are starting to fill up quickly with the various Back to School papers and forms. Please be sure to check your child’s folder every night and return it every morning. If you need to send anything to school, this is the folder it should be put in.

The Entertainment Book Sales started today. Your child was given the Entertainment Book and an order form which is in their backpack. If you choose to buy or sell any Entertainment Books please return the form and money by Friday September 14. Order forms and money can be sent to school any time between now and then. The top selling student will win a Kindle Touch and the 2nd top selling student will win a $25 Orange Leaf gift card. The top selling class will win a pizza party. However, you are not required to buy or sell any Entertainment Books.

We are practicing being Bucket Fillers in Room 11! A Bucket Filler is someone who is kind, respectful, and happy. A Bucket Dipper is someone who is mean, disrespectful, and sad. Today we read the book Have You Filled a Bucket Today? and brainstormed a list of Bucket Filler and Bucket Dipper actions. Ask your child about being a Bucket Filler! Check out the Bucket Filler website to learn more - http://www.bucketfillers101.com/index.php

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