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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Laptop Thursday!

Hello Fantastic First Grade Families!

Today was a GREAT day! We got an AWESOME report from the P.E. teachers! WOO HOO!

Today in Math we rotated through Addition centers. It was our first day of Math Centers and everyone really seemed to enjoy it! After our last rotation, everyone gave a thumbs up on the carpet! Here's a peak at a couple...

Roll A Sum: roll two dice, write the addition sentence, then find the sum!

Quizzing our Math Partners with addition flash cards.

This afternoon we had LAPTOPS! From 1:30-3:00 we practiced logging on, getting on the internet, and going to www.xtramath.org. Xtra Math is an online tool to help your child master addition (and then eventually subtraction) math facts.  The program is designed so that your child can master one set of addition facts before moving to a harder set. We want quick automaticity with these facts in First Grade. In your child's Take Home Folder you will find the instructions for logging onto Xtra Math at home. I highly encourage this a few times a week (it counts as Math homework, so don't forget to check it off!). If you have any trouble logging on at home, please let me know. I want everyone to have this opportunity!

Almost everyone remembered their reading last night! Very awesome! I look forward to seeing more check marks and parent signatures in the morning! :)

Have a great night!

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