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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Terrific Tuesday!

During Daily 5 we continue to build our Read to Self stamina. We are also practicing how to choose Good Fit books. It’s important to choose books that aren’t too easy and books that aren’t too hard. They should be Just Right for us! To help us figure out if a book is a Good Fit book, we use the IPICK strategy.

I –I choose a book and read the first two pages
P – Purpose – Why do I want to read this book? (for fun, to read during Daily 5, to learn about a certain topic, etc.)
I – Interest – Do I like what this book is about?
C – Comprehend – Do I understand what this book is about?
K – Know – Do I know most of the words?

Using the IPICK strategy is important when we are choosing books at the Concord Library, our classroom Library, the public library, and book stores.

Today we began our first Principle in Spelling – You can add letters to the beginning of a word: h + and = hand. We practiced building Word Ladders starting with small words that we know such as at, and, it, an, & in. We know that we can add c + at = cat and p + an = pan.

In your child’s Take Home Folder you will find their Spelling List 1 which includes the principle, 5 sample words, and their two Star Sight Words. Your child is responsible for knowing the principle, not just the five words listed on the Spelling List. We are focusing on principles and learning how words work, rather than just memorizing specific words. This means words such as sat, mat, sand, land, fit, lit, pan, man, fin, & tin may be on our spelling test; words that are not listed on our Spelling List but follow our spelling principle can and will be on our spelling test.

Your child is also responsible for their two Star Sight Words. Each child’s Star Sight Words will be different based on our assessment earlier in the year; each child has different words they need to practice. You will find your child’s two Star Sight Words under My Words on their Spelling List 1.

Our spelling test will be on Friday, September 7. To help prepare your child for the spelling test I have included a packet of Spelling Practice Ideas in their Take Home Folder. This is a list of ideas to help your child with their spelling words and will be an important resource throughout the year. Each week we will be studying a different principle, but the practice ideas can be used over and over again!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend despite all the rain!

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