Welcome to our blog Fantastic First Grade Families! We hope you enjoy reading about what we're up to in Room 21. Make sure you check back often, we're always learning new and exciting things in First Grade!

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Friday, September 14, 2012

First Grade Friday!

Happy Friday Fantastic First Grade Families! I don’t know about you, but this week sure flew by!
On Thursday, our CSR Mrs. Marting began coming into our room to meet with Guided Reading Groups. We’re really getting in the swing of things with Daily 5! The students are now practicing choosing their own Daily 5 choice. This means that at any given point there will be First Graders Reading to Self, Reading to Someone, Working on Writing, or meeting with Mrs. Marting. We will continue to add in the other two components of Daily 5 – Listen to Reading and Word Work.

During Work on Writing, we have many options! We can choose to write in our Writer's Notebooks, our journals, or continue working on our writing from Writer's Workshop. We are currently writing counting pattern books.  

 When we Work on Writing we know that we:
Choose a spot around the room and stay in that spot
Work quietly
Write about anything we choose




Today we took our first Math test! The students did fabulous! Keep an eye out for the graded test to come home Monday. Again, you will find EE, ME, SD, or AC as your child’s grade.
Our second week of spelling has come to an end as well! These principles we are practicing are skills that will help us all throughout First Grade, so it is important we are practicing at home too. Principle 3 and new Star Sight Words will come home Monday!
Thank you to each and every one of you for sending field trip permission slips back by today. No one missed the deadline! WOO HOO! J
Have a GREAT weekend!

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