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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wednesday 9/19/2012

Thanks for stopping by Fantastic First Grade Families!

It’s been a BUSY three days this week!

After practicing and practicing, we have officially added the fourth part of Daily Five to our daily rotations – Listen to Reading! Each day 10 First Graders get the opportunity to listen to stories online using our classroom laptops and their personal headphones. This is BY FAR the students’ favorite part of Daily Five – they are so excited when it is their turn to Listen to Reading!

As a whole class we have begun practicing the fifth and final part of Daily Five – Word Work. We have been sorting S, T, and ST words getting comfortable with our options during the Word Work portion of Daily 5. Once the students’ have mastered working independently with our Word Sorts, we will officially have completed Daily Five. This means the students will have five different options to choose from during our Guided Reading time.

In Writing we continue to write our pattern books. We have been writing our Number Pattern books - both counting UP and counting DOWN and have now moved into Days of the Week pattern books. These First Graders LOVE to write and LOVE to share their writing with their classmates. Each day we take time for a few First Graders to share writing - whether it is finished or still in the process! The student's book is placed on the ELMO for everyone to see on the board and they use the microphone to make sure EVERYONE can hear their story!

 Laptop Time still continues to be one of the favorites in First Grade!
 Work on Writing - one option is writing in our Writer's Notebooks. 

 Listen to Reading - we have officially added this part of Daily Five and it's a HIT!

 Read to Someone - always a good choice during Daily Five!

 Mrs. Marting has her own table in our room to comfortably meet with her Guided Reading groups.

 Word Work - sorting our words by their initial sound: S, T, or ST.

Word Work - working with a buddy to sort our words helps us HEAR the initial sound in each word to recognize if it is S, T, or ST.

Have a GREAT night!

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