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Monday, September 10, 2012

Library Day!

Happy Monday Fantastic First Grade Families!

I hope everyone had a chance to get outside this weekend because the weather was BEAUTIFUL!

In your child’s Take Home Folder you will find their graded spelling test from Friday 9/7. You will also find their Spelling Principle 2 list and Special Star Sight Words. This week we are learning that you can change the first letter of a word to make a new word (far, tar, bar).  Based on our spelling tests from last week, your child has THREE Special Star Sight Words for this week instead of two.  It is important to practice our Spelling Principle and Special Star Sight Words each night along with 15 minutes of reading!

Today was our second time visiting the Library! Although Mrs. Graef was not there to give us a lesson, we still returned our books and checked out new books with Mrs. House. We still continue to practice using the IPICK strategy when picking out books, even when we’re at the library.

 When we came back from the Library we had a few minutes before lunch so we spent some time reading our new library books!

Once we have checked out our books, we know that we should wait for our friends sitting criss cross applesauce reading our new books in a line by the door. 

The First Graders are really enjoying Read to Someone! We continue to practice finding a spot to sit EEKK together, check for understanding with our partner, and build stamina.

If you have not turned in your child’s permission slip to see Tennessee Theatre Company’s Production of The Three Little Pigs and Little Red Riding Hood on Monday, March 11, 2013 at E. Desmond Lee Concert Hall please do so by this Friday 9/14. I will gladly send another copy home if you need me to.

Don’t forget this Wednesday 9/12 is an EARLY RELEASE day. If your child’s normal dismissal routine will change, please send a note as a reminder for me and your child. 

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