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Friday, September 7, 2012

Read to Someone!

Happy Friday Fantastic First Grade Families!

Even though we had a short week, it was four days full of learning!

As we dive further into Daily 5, we continue to build our Read to Self stamina. We have reached 12 straight minutes of Reading to Self! 

We have also started practicing Read to Someone. We know that it is important to Read to Someone to practice our fluency, reading strategies, and become better readers all around!

When we Read to Someone we sit EEKK:
Elbow to elbow
Knee to knee
I read to you
You read to me
Elbow to elbow
Knee to knee
Book in the middle
So we both can see

While we Read to Someone we are checking for understanding after each page. It is important our partner is comprehending what we are reading to them!

 The character word of the month for September is RESPECT. This morning we took some time to brainstorm what respect means to First Graders. We know it’s important to show respect to teachers, classmates, and family members. Being respectful to ourselves and others is important in Room 11! We will continue working this word into our everyday vocabulary and practicing being respectful toward others.

Our first spelling test went great! Check your child’s Take Home Folder on Monday for their graded spelling tests. You will see one of the following at the top of your child’s test:
EE – exceeds expectation
ME – meets expectation (this is where we want your child!)
SD – still developing
AC – area of concern

This afternoon we met with our buddy class! Miss Rauschenbach’s third grade class came to our classroom after our spelling test. With September 11 approaching next week, we took some time to write thank you notes to our local Firefighters and Police Officers. Some of the students have family members who help serve and protect us so it was especially important to them!


I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Hopefully it’s not as rainy as last weekend!

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