Welcome to our blog Fantastic First Grade Families! We hope you enjoy reading about what we're up to in Room 21. Make sure you check back often, we're always learning new and exciting things in First Grade!

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Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday 9/28

Happy 'No School Friday' Fantastic First Grade Families! I hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend! We had a short week, but it was jam packed with learning!

Guided Reading is officially underway! I have been meeting with small groups for individualized reading instruction while the other First Graders are making their independent Daily 5 choices. Between Mrs. Marting and myself, each First Grader is seen anywhere between 3-5 times a week. We are learning valuable strategies to become better readers using Just Right books.

All of the First Graders were looking extra fancy for Picture Day, so we decided to take a class picture!

 We couldn't resist taking a goofy picture too!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

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